
How do I search for another user?

To search for another user:

  1. Tap the Search icon at the top of the Home screen, Thrills screen, or Notifications screen to access the Search screen.
  2. Tap the Explore field at the top of the app to display a list of search categories, including Thrill Categories, Tags, Thrill-Seekers, and Thrill Locations.
  3. Tap the Thrill-Seekers option.
  4. In the Explore field, you can enter a keyword to search for a user by username, full name, or thrill interest.
    For example, enter "extreme" to find a user with a username such as "extremedude1987," or enter "John" to find a user whose name is "John Smith."
    As you type, a list of users matching the keyword display on screen. You can then tap a user to see their profile.