
What is the Thrills screen?

The Thrills screen is the main menu for exploring thrills that have been posted in the app. Thrills are sorted by category, grouping common thrills together, such as thrills that involve sports or thrills that happen in the air, on land, or in water. At the top of the Thrill screen, you can tap Top Thrills to see the thrills with the best ratings in the past 30 days, Top ThrillSeekers to see the top-rated ThrillPiXx users, or Thrill Challenges to see challenges between other ThrillPiXx users.

When you tap a category, you'll see a list of groups within the category. For example, Thrills in Water is further grouped into Canoeing, Jet Skiing, Snorkeling, etc. On each of these groups, the average thrill rating for the group displays in the right-hand corner. Tap the group to see all thrills posted in that group category.

You can also subscribe to a thrill category group by tapping the Subscribe icon below the group. Posts tagged in groups you've subscribed to will be included on your Home screen feed.