
How do I mention someone in a thrill?

You can mention someone in a comment on a thrill post for a variety of reasons, such as tagging someone who is also in the photo or just making sure they see your post in particular.

To mention someone in a post:

  1. Tap the Comments icon at the bottom of the thrill post.
  2. In the Type your comment field, type the @ symbol.
  3. Then begin typing the username of the user you want to mention.
    A pop-up menu will display with the names of users that match what you're typing. Keep typing out the name to narrow down the list of users.
  4. Once you see the user you want to mention, tap the username in the menu.
  5. You can then add any other text you want before posting the comment.

When the comment is posted, you'll notice the username you mentioned is now in blue text. This indicates the text is now a mention, which will send a notification to the tagged user. You can also tap the mention to see the user's profile.