
I can't sign up because my email address was already used. What can I do to fix it?

If you’ve already signed up for ThrillPiXx using an email address, you won’t be able to use that same email address to sign up with a different username. If you’re trying to sign up again because you can’t remember the password to your existing account, you can always reset the password.

To reset your password:

  1. Click the Forgot Password? link on the ThrillPiXx sign in screen.
  2. On the next screen, enter your email address.
  3. Click the Send Password button. A new password will be emailed to you. You can enter the new password with your existing username to sign in.

Once you’re back in the app, you’ll want to change your password. To change your password:

  1. Tap the Profile menu icon at the bottom of the app to display your Profile screen.
  2. In the top right corner of your Profile screen, tap the Settings icon to display the Settings screen.
  3. Tap the Change Password option.
  4. On the Change Password screen, enter your old password (the one we sent you) in the Enter old password field.
  5. Enter the new password you want in the Enter new password field.
  6. Confirm your new password by retyping it in the Confirm Password field.
  7. Click the Save Password button. The Settings screen displays again, and your password is changed.